Monday, March 23, 2009

Dear Phantom Oiman

A hearty welcome and thank you for joining us at our Thursday night dinner in Flushing after your utmost long sabbatical leave from us. Even though it was our first meet or your first re-appearance after over 4 decades, unlike others, I did not feel myself, ourselves or your presence at the restaurant as strangers sharing the same table (like what they do at some Chinatown restaurants - 撘檯). Not at all. In fact, I felt joy, warmth and togetherness as we went down the memory lane collectively over the icewine and the sumptuous Chinese dishes.

We must not forget to thank Mui Por for her efforts, planning and organising such a perky social event for all. Let me also take this opportunity to thank Ha Man Kit for teaching me the real and/or the hidden meanings of the word "柳" and liasing one of the original "柳's" to the 花旗 bunch. The inquisitive moir, being only an hour away from NYC, that was enough excuse for me to pop into the Big Apple for some good fun with all of my friends from our yester years. Here are the photo proofs that we were not strangers in the night or strangers at the big round table at all. Enjoy them!
Good night all.
Irene Tsai


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