Saturday, December 16, 2006

BHJS Canada Alumni AGM 2007

As President of the BHJS Canada Alumni, I am extending a special invitation to the class of 1967 to attend its 4th Annual General Meeting Cum Annual Dinner on Feb 3, 2007 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. We are approaching the sixth year since the Alumni was incorporated on February 18, 2002. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend this function. We are very excited about it and hope to see many of you and your family, because you will be our honor guests for a special tribute. Details of the AGM can be found in our website:

It is not limited to those who lives in North America, in fact, we welcome other 1967 alumni from all over the world to come to Toronto to join us. I promise it will be a memorable evening for you. Out of town guests who need transportation and accommodation can email me and I can help to find host families.
I hope to see lots of you in February. I hope you will have a happy and safe holiday season.

May Ho 何潔美


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